
Inquiry form/Pamphlet Request



Please select either "Inquiry" or "Pamphlet Request" from the categories and fill in each item.
*If you have set up domain-specific reception to prevent spam emails, you may not receive
*If you are sending an email from a mobile phone, please either cancel the domain designation reception/designation refusal, or enable reception of we-love-oita.or.jp.

  1. step1お問合わせ内容の入力

  2. step2お問合わせ内容の確認

  3. step3お問合わせ完了

カテゴリ (※必須) Category(*Required)
お名前 (※必須) Name(*Required)
郵便番号 Post code
住所 Address
電話番号 Phone number
メールアドレス (※必須) e-mail address(*Required)
年代 Age
性別 Gender
お問い合わせ内容 (※必須) Inquiry(*Required)
備考 Remarks


Please refer to “Privacy Policy'', check the checkbox that says ”Agree'', and press the “Confirm'' button.


Agree to the "Privacy Policy" (*Required)
